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The Biggest Benefits of Walking | JointFuel360 Official

Walking is one of the best forms of exercise that we can do. While many people might think that they need an extensive workout in order to get fit and healthy, just 30 minutes of walking a day can transform your fitness.

Regularly walking is a wonderful way of helping to enhance your cardiovascular health, but it can also help to strengthen your bones and help you to lose weight. It has also been shown that those who walk regularly also reduce the risk of developing serious conditions such as heart disease, osteoporosis, and type two diabetes.

Walking is suitable for everyone, with the low-impact activity requiring minimal equipment and can be undertaken any time and at your own pace. Unlike more strenuous activities, walking is a great exercise activity that can be undertaken by those who might not have exercised for a long time, are overweight, or suffer from arthritis.

While there are various walking groups that people can join, it is also an activity that can be easily undertaken on your own. Whether it is getting off your commute a stop earlier and walking the rest of the way, or you add a quick half hour stroll in on your lunch break, you will soon be able to notice the benefits of walking.

What are the benefits of walking?

There are many benefits of walking, and incorporating just thirty minutes into your day can transform your fitness. Some of the most common benefits of walking include:

  1. Burn calories

One of the biggest benefits of walking is that it is a great way to lose weight and burn calories. Walking any distance requires you to use energy, which results in your body using your stored fat to fuel it.

While walking any distance will burn calories, the more strenuous the walk, the more calories you will burn. The speed you are walking, your body weight, and the surface you are walking on also all contribute to the number of calories that you are burning.

The Biggest Benefits of Walking

2. Improve the strength of your heart

Another major benefit of walking is that it can significantly boost your heart health. Research has shown that walking just thirty minutes a day can help to reduce the risk of heart disease by nearly twenty percent.

The more you walk and the more strenuous the exercise, the more you will be able to strengthen your heart and improve your cardiovascular health.

3. Lower your blood sugar

Walking is a great way to help lower your blood sugar, particularly if you undertake a walk shortly after eating. Early research has shown that a 15 minute walk, three times a day, can improve blood sugar levels more effectively than a single 45 minute walk on your lunch break.

This research is still in the early stages, though, and a regular walk, no matter the duration, during the day is also highly beneficial.

4. Reduce joint pain

If you are struggling with the stiffness and discomfort of arthritis, then one of the benefits of walking is that it can help to protect and strengthen your knees and hip joints. Regular walking also helps to lubricate and strengthen the muscles around the joints, improving their functionality even further.

Initial research has demonstrated that walking up to six miles a week can also help to prevent arthritis from developing.

5. Improve your immune system

If you find that you are usually struggling with a cold or the flu, particularly during the winter months, then walking can help to strengthen your immune system. A study on 1,000 adults during the flu season found that those who walked for 45 minutes a day at a moderate pace enjoyed 43 percent fewer sick days. They also experienced fewer symptoms if they did get sick.

If walking outside during the winter months is too cold, then exercising on a treadmill or walking around an indoor attraction (such as a museum) can provide the same benefits.

The Biggest Benefits of Walking

6. Increase your energy

This might seem like a strange benefit of walking, but the more you walk, the more energy you will have. Research has shown that a short walk can be more effective at giving you energy than a cup of coffee can.

When you start walking, it significantly increases the flow of blood through the body. Walking can also boost the levels of epinephrine, norepinephrine, and cortisol, hormones that are responsible for your energy levels.

7. Enhance your mood

There are many physical benefits of walking, but it can also enhance our mood. Studies have shown that regularly walking elevates your emotions and helps to reduce anxiety and depression.

Walking has also been known to help increase your self-esteem, while if you join a walking group, it can also be a great social activity.

8. Lower the risk of breast cancer

Any kind of physical activity can help to lower the risk of breast cancer. However, research by the American Cancer Society has found that individuals who walked an average of seven or more hours a week had a 14% lower risk of developing breast cancer than those who walked fewer than three hours a week.

9. Extend your lifespan

Walking is also able to help you extend your lifespan. Research has shown that those who walked at an average to fast pace had a 20% lower risk of death than those who walked slowly.

Those who walked at a speed of at least 4 miles an hour reduced this risk even further to 24%. The study examined key causes of death, including cardiovascular disease and cancer.

10. Tone your muscles

When it comes to the benefits of walking, one of the most significant is that it can tone your leg muscles. The more you walk, the stronger your muscles will be and the more toned they will become.

To build the strength in your legs even further, then try walking up hills and steps. If you are using a treadmill, then consider setting it on an incline, as the more resistance, you have the stronger your legs will become.

Support your joints when walking

While walking can help to reduce the discomfort and stiffness most commonly associated with arthritis, it is important that you are also supporting your joints further. Here at JointFuel360, we offer a completely natural supplement that has been specifically created to help reduce inflammation and stiffness, alongside helping to enhance the flexibility of your joints.

We only utilize science-backed ingredients that have been proven to work and help to promote healthy joints from the inside out. We know how much arthritis can impact your day-to-day life, and our mission is to help you enjoy your life and get you moving again.

Our powerful supplement helps to address several causes of arthritis, providing you with long-term relief. We recommend customers take JointFuel360 , alongside eating healthily and focusing on physical exercise, to notice results, but many users have seen improvements in their condition in as little as seven days.

Want to find out how JointFuel360 can help you? Check out our product today or get in touch with our team to find out more.

The post The Biggest Benefits of Walking appeared first on JointFuel360 Official.
