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Showing posts from September, 2021

Top Tips to Keep Your Bones Healthy | JointFuel360 Official

When it comes to living a healthy lifestyle, building bone strength is crucial. As we grow from toddlers into adolescents and then onto our early adult years, our bones are continually building thanks to the minerals from what we eat and drink. However, by the time we reach the age of 30, our bones will have reached their peak mass. If we have not created enough mass by this point, then there is an increased risk of developing more fragile bones. This then leads to a higher likelihood of your bones breaking easily. While our bones might reach their density mass by the time we are 30, it is possible to keep them healthy as we age. Ensuring you are eating the right foods and changing your lifestyle can help you to improve the strength and health of your bones. We have taken a closer look at some of the top tips to keep your bones healthy. 1. Eat plenty of vegetables Vegetables are an essential part of any healthy diet, but they are also a great way to keep your bones healthy. Ensur

Stiff and Sore Joints in the Morning? Reduce the Discomfort with These Top Tips | JointFuel360 Official

Sleep is an essential part of life, helping our bodies to relax and recover. However, for many individuals living with arthritis, they face waking up every morning in discomfort and from stiff joints. This can make it challenging to get out of bed, and can significantly impair your morning routine, and make it a difficult start to the day. Thankfully, there are many different methods you can incorporate to help relieve some of this discomfort and ease your joints. To help you, we have taken a closer look at some of the best tips to help you. What causes stiff and sore joints in the morning? When we sleep, our bodies and joints are not moving, and this causes fluid to build up, resulting in inflammation that can make it challenging to start moving them again. Another theory is that it is a symptom of your circadian system and is caused by your body not releasing enough cortisol throughout the night. How to reduce stiff and sore joints in the morning If you are regularly waking up

The Biggest Benefits of Walking | JointFuel360 Official

Walking is one of the best forms of exercise that we can do. While many people might think that they need an extensive workout in order to get fit and healthy, just 30 minutes of walking a day can transform your fitness. Regularly walking is a wonderful way of helping to enhance your cardiovascular health, but it can also help to strengthen your bones and help you to lose weight. It has also been shown that those who walk regularly also reduce the risk of developing serious conditions such as heart disease, osteoporosis, and type two diabetes. Walking is suitable for everyone, with the low-impact activity requiring minimal equipment and can be undertaken any time and at your own pace. Unlike more strenuous activities, walking is a great exercise activity that can be undertaken by those who might not have exercised for a long time, are overweight, or suffer from arthritis. While there are various walking groups that people can join, it is also an activity that can be easily undertak

Benefits of Yoga for Arthritis | JointFuel360 Official

Yoga is a mind-body practice that has been practiced for thousands of years. Today, it is no longer solely practiced by yogis in the East but by people from all walks of life throughout the world. Both young and old alike are discovering just how helpful yoga for arthritis can be. With 28% of Americans trying yoga at some point, it is clearly becoming a popular practice due to its numerous health benefits. Yoga is not all about contorting your body into challenging postures. In fact, a good amount of it involves gentle and simple movements, called asanas, that will help you become stronger, more balanced, and flexible. This is one of the large benefits of yoga for arthritis. If you are wondering what yoga can do for your arthritis then keep reading. Here are some of the remarkable benefits of yoga for arthritis. Reduces Joint Pain and Stiffness Yoga has been found to relieve the aches and stiffness that occur to your joints when you have arthritis. This makes it easier to have a w

Turmeric: A History of the Golden Spice | JointFuel360 Official

Turmeric, sometimes called the golden spice, is a spice made from the ground roots of the Curcuma   longa plant, which grows in Asia and Central America. This bright orange-yellow spice has attracted quite a bit of interest over the past several decades for its incredible healing properties, but turmeric’s historical use dates back thousands of years. In this article, we’re going to explore the history of turmeric, from its ancient uses to its popularity as a modern-day health supplement. Let’s get started. The Origin of Turmeric Historians aren’t certain when and where turmeric was first used by humans, but most evidence suggests that it was originally cultivated in South Asia. The earliest physical evidence of turmeric’s use by humans comes from ancient pots found near New Delhi, India. The analyses of these pots discovered residue that dates back as early as 2500 B.C. Ancient Indian cultures prized turmeric for its use in culinary dishes, as a dye, and, in Hindu religion, as a s