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Showing posts from October, 2021

Biggest Threats to Men’s Health | JointFuel360 Official

When was the last time you considered your health? In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it can be tough to find the time to look after your physical and mental wellbeing. A recent study by the Men’s Health Network found that one of the biggest challenges facing men is a lack of awareness of health and an unhealthy personal and work lifestyle balance. Men have a habit of putting their health behind anything else while also being more likely to smoke and drink more. There are many health risks facing men, but some small changes to your lifestyle could help to transform your physical health and keep you fitter and stronger. However, what are some of the biggest threats to men’s health in today’s society? We thought we would take a closer look at the most common. Heart Disease One of the biggest threats facing men is heart disease, and the condition comes in many different forms. Heart disease is incredibly dangerous, and if left untreated, it can be fatal, with one in three men

Biggest Threats to Women’s Health | JointFuel360 Official

When it comes to threats women’s health has quite a few, with some being more serious for women than men. It’s a fact of nature that men and women have different health risks. Being knowledgeable about the risks will help you avoid unwanted health issues that could turn your world upside down. Thankfully, there is quite a lot you can do as far as preventative health goes to avoid the threats women’s health has. Here are the biggest threats to women’s health you should be aware of if you are a woman: Heart Disease Believe it or not, but breast cancer is not the leading health risk for women. It is actually heart disease. Over one in four women die due to this condition. This is more than all deaths attributed to cancer for women in the US, coming out to around half a million deaths. Unfortunately, a little over one in ten women realize just how great of a risk heart disease is. On the bright side, lifestyle and habit changes like quitting smoking, eating healthy, and staying physic

Understanding Gut Health | JointFuel360 Official

You may be surprised to learn that your body contains more bacteria than human cells . These bacteria are key to you having a healthy microbiome. Yes, certain bacteria can lead to disease. However, many are very beneficial for you, and even essential. This is why staying on top of your gut health is important. Understanding Your Gut’s Microbiome In your gut, there are all sorts of bacteria and other microorganisms that call it their home. Most of them reside in your intestines, as well as your skin. The bulk of these microbes are situated in an area of the large intestine known as the cecum. With around 40 trillion bacteria cells and 30 trillion human cells, it’s vital to ensure you have a healthy gut. Each one of the 1,000 species of bacteria does its part in keeping you healthy, while some may do the opposite. Together, they are essentially acting like a distinct organ, and even mimic functions that your brain has. This gives new meaning to the phrase “Go with your gut.” How You

Weight Loss Tips for Inflammatory Arthritis | JointFuel360 Official

Are you looking to improve your fitness? Losing weight will not only help you to enhance your appearance and ensure you look fantastic, but it can also help to ease the stiffness and discomfort with arthritis. Weight loss for arthritis can help to transform your daily life. Excess weight places a lot more stress and pressure on your joints, which can increase the symptoms of arthritis. That stiffness, discomfort, and fatigue can make working out feel impossible. If you are struggling to find the motivation to get going, we thought we would take a closer look at some top weight loss tips for inflammatory arthritis. How weight can impact inflammatory arthritis If you are struggling with the stiffness and discomfort of arthritis, then your overall weight could be a major contributing factor. Research has shown that those individuals who are overweight are more likely to experience the impact of rheumatoid arthritis. The extra weight places increased pressure and stress on your joint