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Showing posts from December, 2021

Physical Therapy – Is it Worth it? | JointFuel360 Official

Musculoskeletal pain is a common ailment that virtually everyone will be afflicted with at some point in their life, whether it be the result of a sprain, strain, overexerted muscles, or repetitive motions that give rise to muscle tension or tendonitis. However, chronic and severe joint pain that results from arthritis, is estimated to affect 1 in 4 adults in the U.S. alone, who suffer this severe pain according to the CDC . That is 15 million people having to contend with chronic joint pain, and that does not even account for the total number in the arthritis demographic! This same phenomenon is paralleled in westernized countries especially, with regards to osteoarthritis specifically, largely as a result of advancing age, inflammatory western diets and obesity. Arthritis and resulting joint pain can be a debilitating disease that leads to progressively damaged and degenerated articular joint tissue that can destroy and compromise joint function, as well as underlying bone tissue a

Surprising Facts about Olive Oil | JointFuel360 Official

The Mediterranean diet is touted by the medical and clinical nutrition therapy spheres as being an evidence-based diet that helps with weight loss and preventing and treating a plethora of chronic diseases. As denoted by the name of this diet, it includes foods typically consumed in the Mediterranean region around Italy, Greece and Crete, for instance. Foods cultivated and enjoyed in this balmy maritime oasis in Western Europe, include fresh regional vegetables such as artichokes, tomatoes, eggplants, leafy vegetables, herbs such as rosemary and basil, fruits such as citrus fruits, fresh cheeses, wheat, beans, fish, nuts and seeds, a little splash of vino rosso with meals and of course, olives. Olive oil is a hotly demanded cultivar in the globalized economy with numerous health benefits which will be further elucidated here. What is olive oil? Olive oil is a lipid or oil extracted from the fruit of the evergreen tree, Olea europaea, and has been used for millennia in cooking and

Keeping Your Joints Healthy in the Winter | JointFuel360 Official

Do you find that your achy joints seem to get worse during the winter? It’s not your imagination! Many people with joint pain report experiencing stiffer, more painful joints when temperatures drop. Although the exact science is still out as to why cold temperatures affect people’s joints, experts theorize it could be due to changes in barometric pressure, or the pressure in the air. Additionally, when exposed to cold, muscles stiffen, joint fluid thickens, and blood flow drops. All of these factors can contribute to joint pain, especially in people affected by arthritis. Regardless of what causes your painful, aching joints in the winter, the fact is that it hurts! Fortunately, there are steps you can take to support your winter joint health and ease the discomfort associated with cold weather. Here are our top tips for keeping your joints healthy in the winter. 1. Keep moving While cozying up on the couch with Netflix seems to beckon during cold winter months, it’s essential to

Staying Healthy while Traveling | JointFuel360 Official

Whether you are looking for a spot of winter sun, are planning a summer getaway, or simply want to head away for the weekend, healthy traveling is essential. Going on a vacation is an incredible experience, but traveling can also expose your body to various viruses and germs. It can also significantly disrupt your diet and sleep routine. Knowing the top tips for healthy traveling can help to ensure you are able to remain fit and free from illness. To help ensure your next trip is one to remember, we have taken a closer look at some of the best ways to help make sure that you remain healthy.      1. Get immunized Healthy traveling starts before you head abroad, so getting yourself immunized is important to help protect you against developing serious diseases or illnesses. Making sure that you are fully vaccinated while also getting any extra boosters that you might need for certain countries will ensure that you can remain free from sickness. If you are unsure of what jabs you migh

How to Lose Weight with Joint Pain | JointFuel360 Official

We all want to enjoy a healthier lifestyle, and losing weight is an essential part of staying fit. However, as we get older, being able to exercise and keep fit can become increasingly more challenging. These issues are only made more difficult for those living with arthritis, and with an estimated 350 million people suffering from the condition across the globe, how do you go about losing weight with joint pain? Why should you focus on losing weight? Losing weight with joint issues can seem a difficult task, but focusing on your health can actually help you to reduce the discomfort you feel. The higher the body weight, the more stress that your body faces when moving, particularly on the hips, knees, and back. Conditions such as osteoarthritis cause the cartilage between your joints to break down, which causes your bones to rub together. This creates significant irritation and swelling, resulting in discomfort every time that you move. The higher your weight, the more your cartil