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Showing posts from March, 2021

Adapting at Home with Arthritis | JointFuel360 Official

Is your arthritis making it challenging for you to perform basic household tasks? If so, you are probably one of the 55 million adults in the US with this condition who are wishing there was a way to cook, bathe, do laundry, and move around and about your house more easily. Thankfully, there are steps you can take to make that possible. It involves adapting the way you go about doing things. The following are a few effective tips and techniques you can apply when adapting at home with arthritis . Use Your Energy Wisely You will only have so much energy in a day, especially when you are suffering from arthritis. That means you should use it wisely. You can do things a little bit differently in areas of your home where you normally exert the most effort. These are generally the bathroom and kitchen. If you want to conserve your energy as much as possible, considering making the following adaptations: Refrain from bending over to reach things whenever you can do so. Place the most c

9 Anti-Inflammatory Breakfast Recipes | JointFuel360 Official

Inflammation is your body’s way of protecting you from getting damaged by some dangerous foreign substance that has entered it. Toxins like cigarette smoke are seen as being dangerous foreign substances that must be dealt with, and inflammation is the end-result of it. While this is a result of your body attempting to protect you, inflammation has the downside of causing aches, soreness, stiffness, and general discomfort. That is why you can help your body out by eating anti-inflammatory foods. There are numerous anti-inflammatory breakfast recipes out there, so we have put together some of the best ones for you. When you follow these recipes, you will reduce uncomfortable inflammation and maintain mobility without any unpleasant and unwanted side effects. Here are nine delicious anti-inflammatory breakfast recipes you can start enjoying: Scrambled Eggs, Turmeric & Avocado Toast Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory that has been used for thousands of years. This spice ca

Tips to Garden with Ease | JointFuel360 Official

Gardening is an increasingly common activity that is being taken up by people everywhere, both young and old alike. It is something that people have been doing for millennia. In times past, it was done out of necessity. Today, you can garden with ease as it is often done as a way to improve well-being and enjoy a creative hobby. There are numerous health benefits of gardening , including strengthening your immune system, building up your strength, improving cognitive functioning, boosting your mood, reducing stress, and much more. That makes gardening an excellent activity to take part in no matter who you are. Even if you’re a senior who has sore joints, you can safely garden with ease. As long as you take a few precautions, you will find gardening to be a very enjoyable hobby. Here are some of the best tips to garden with ease you can follow so that you enjoy gardening as much as possible: Plant Raised Beds Avoid kneeling down and bending over by planting raised beds. These are

Fun Activities at Home | JointFuel360 Official

These days, there are lots of people who are staying at home, either willingly or because they have to. Perhaps you or someone you know is one of the 23% of older adults who have mobility issues due to arthritis . Maybe you are subject to stay-at-home mandates . This could lead to bouts of boredom and being unsure of how to fill your time. However, there are plenty of fun, interesting, and exciting activities at home you can enjoy! We have created a list of some of the best ones so that you can make the most of your time spent indoors right now. Here are some of the best activities at home you can enjoy right now, especially ones that are low-impact to go easy on your joints. Read Something One of the best activities to enjoy at home is simply reading. You will get to get your brain working so that your memory improves. You will also have less stress, better sleep, and keep away cognitive decline. Reading something like a book, magazine, or online articles will allow you to enjoy

Ergonomic Changes for Joint Health | JointFuel360 Official

Ergonomics involves the use and design of things we use on a regular basis that help us avoid unnecessary strain on joints. There are plenty of things you do and use that are not ergonomic, leading to suffering from poor joint health. However, knowledge is power, and when you know what the major ergonomic risk factors are and how to avoid them, you can ensure you have excellent joint health. According to OSHA, around $1 out of every $3 spent by companies for workers’ compensation was done so on ergonomic-related issues. The University of California at San Diego has identified 14 ergonomic risk factors that are commonly encountered when someone is at work or at home. These risk factors include the following: Sitting or standing in awkward positions Bending to the point of causing undue strain on joints Compressing body parts or creating contact stress Forcefully exerting your strength Not taking enough, or long enough, rest breaks Heavy lifting Poor lighting Too much noise