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Showing posts from July, 2021

Meditation to Relieve Stress | JointFuel360 Official

Meditation is a millennia-old Eastern mind-body practice that has in recent years been adopted in the West due to its remarkable benefits. One of its greatest benefits is the ability to relieve stress. People young and old alike are discovering its powerful properties of cultivating inner peace. As of 2017, around 15% of Americans practices meditation to relieve stress and that number has been rising. In this article, you will learn about just how effective meditation is in reducing both physical and mental stress. What Is Meditation To understand how meditation can help relieve stress it is a good idea to know what meditation is in the first place. The basic premise involves sitting in a way that ensures your body is relaxed, closing your eyes, and focusing on a single point of focus. Ideally, you will clear your mind of all distracting thoughts that have been stressing you out. A typical meditation practice lasts anywhere between 5-20 minutes, although you can receive benefits n

8 Surprising Foods to Avoid with Arthritis | JointFuel360 Official

An Introduction to Arthritis Have you been diagnosed with one form of arthritis, and you can’t seem to deal with the discomfort that comes with it? Does the food you eat actually affect your health condition? If so, what are the foods to avoid with arthritis? So many questions on your mind as you read this and we understand why, but the good news is that we have answers. Arthritis is a common condition that affects the joints of the body, causing swelling, soreness, stiffness, or discomfort in the joints of the body. According to a study published by the CDC, over 54 million people in the United States—23% of all adults—have arthritis . Yes, it’s that common. That’s why managing the symptoms that come with the health condition is of utmost importance. When dealing with the symptoms of inflammatory arthritis and osteoarthritis (the most common form of arthritis) and alleviating some of the discomforts that come with the condition, the foods you eat play a significant role . In thi

Teas for Every Mood | JointFuel360 Official

Tea is a beverage that has been brewed for thousands of years . The long history of tea demonstrates its staying power. This is due to the numerous benefits that tea has to offer. It can provide both calming and stimulation effects, making it an option for when you want to get help with waking up up or going to bed. Besides energizing and sedating, tea can also affect how you feel. In fact, there are teas for every mood! The plentiful minerals, nutrients, and essential oils within different kinds of tea will directly impact your mood. This can help regulate your emotions and get you through challenging mood swings. Since there are teas for every mood, all you need to do is find the one that provides the effect you are looking to experience. With half of all Americans drinking tea on a daily basis, it’s clear that many are enjoying the benefits of tea. Here are the different kinds of teas you can be drinking depending on what mood you’d like to get into. More Energy – Green Tea Gre

Supporting Someone Who Has Joint Discomfort | JointFuel360 Official

Chronic joint discomfort is something that one in five Americans suffers from on a regular basis. For some, the discomfort is so strong that it interferes with them fulfilling essential everyday tasks. This could mean that they need help and support from others. If you are supporting someone with chronic joint discomfort, then there are a few things you should know. You want to ensure you provide them with the best help they can receive, which is exactly what this article can help you do. Effects of Chronic Joint Discomfort To effectively care for someone with chronic joint discomfort, you first need to understand what causes the soreness and stiffness they experience in the first place. The primary causes of this type of joint discomfort are usually either osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. Although each individual’s experience with these conditions will be quite different, there are some widespread symptoms that most suffer from. These include the following: Soreness and

Can Yoga Improve Mobility for Arthritis Sufferers? | JointFuel360 Official

Yoga is a mind-body practice that has been touted for thousands of years for its positive effects on health and well-being. It has become increasingly popular in the West as a form of exercise that can reduce the discomfort experienced by people suffering from arthritis. When it comes to yoga mobility has been found to increase after regular practice of it. Far from needing to be difficult or complex, yoga has its fair share of gentle poses that even people with arthritis can do without any issues. You will get to increase your flexibility and strength, while minimizing the symptoms of arthritis. In fact, studies have found that anyone with arthritis who practices yoga will notice improvements. Thanks to yoga mobility will soon return to you! Benefits of Yoga for Arthritis Sufferers When arthritis sufferers practice yoga, they get plenty of benefits from doing so. Both mind and body become positively affected. Gentle yoga poses that flow into one another will support your body’s n