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Showing posts from December, 2020

5 Anti-Inflammatory Recipes For Your Christmas Dinner | JointFuel360 Official

One in five adults in the United States suffers from chronic inflammation. That means if you have a Christmas dinner with five people, at least one of them will react negatively to inflammation-causing foods . Not only are foods that promote inflammation terrible for those who are already suffering from inflammation-causing conditions and diseases, but they will not be doing you any favors either. Inflammation is an immune response to a foreign visitor who is an unwelcome guest in your body. Experiencing inflammation can lead to tremendous pain that you will want to avoid. Nearly one in four Americans was told at some point that they had a condition related to arthritis. Since this condition is directly related to inflammation in the body, it’s a good idea to consider following anti-inflammatory recipes for Christmas dinner this year. Here are our top choices for anti-inflammatory recipes for Christmas you will want to make: Walnut-Rosemary Crusted Salmon Salmon and walnuts both

Arthritis – A 4-Week Plan to Start Walking More | JointFuel360 Official

If you suffer from arthritis , walking is one of the best and easiest ways to relieve symptoms of back and other arthritis-related joint pain. It’s a low-impact activity that will ease any joint pain, fatigue, and stiffness you may be feeling. It is also a great way to improve your overall well-being. Walking can be done pretty much anywhere at any time. Research has found that walking for an hour briskly every week made a significant difference in how much pain due to arthritis was experienced. This could come out to just 10 minutes a day. If you have osteoarthritis, you will benefit from walking at least 6,000 steps each day, according to another study . To help you get the most out of walking and reduce your back pain, we have put together a 4-week plan that you can follow along with. After four weeks, expect to feel stronger and have a greater range of motion. Walking is one of the most beneficial ways to keep your back pain at bay and enjoy returning to a life where everyday t