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Showing posts from May, 2021

How To Know If You Have Arthritis? | JointFuel360 Official

Arthritis affects approximately one in four Americans, making it one of the most common ailments today. This is a condition that is highlighted by joint swelling, inflammation, soreness, stiffness, and discomfort. These symptoms will generally increase over time as a person gets older. But how do you know if you have arthritis? There are several different types of arthritis people suffer from today, with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis being the two most common ones. Rheumatoid arthritis occurs when your immune system begins attacking the areas of your body where your joints are located. Their lining is targeted first, leading to unwanted stiffness and discomfort. Osteoarthritis happens when the cartilage surrounding and protecting joints starts breaking down. Depending on what form of arthritis you are experiencing will determine what treatment will work best. Overall, treatment methods should reduce the symptoms and, if possible, eliminate them altogether. There are some p

Self-Care Strategies for Joint Discomfort | JointFuel360 Official

You need to put yourself first. Having healthy habits can help manage your joint discomfort. Self-care is a conscious act one takes to promote their own physical, emotional, and mental health. It can take place in many different forms. You can use many of these self-care strategies for joint discomfort relief. After you take the steps to take care of yourself, you will be able to live your best life. A vast majority of people do not make self-care a priority. Life can get crazy, but you still need to put yourself first. There is a strong connection between your body and your mind. This should not feel like another item on your to-do list. We have broken it out into smaller self-care strategies for joint discomfort that will, in turn, allow you to be more in control. Keep Moving Physical activity helps nearly all aspects of self-care. Not only does physical activity boost your endorphins and mood, but it also can be one of the best self-care strategies for joint discomfort. Phy

Do Your Joints Predict the Weather? | JointFuel360 Official

The skies are perfectly clear, yet you begin to feel a flare up with your arthritis. Is the weather changing shortly? Have you ever been able to consider yourself a weatherperson just by the stiff, achy feeling in your joints when it is going to be cold out or when it is going to rain? What you are actually feeling is the change in atmospheric pressure. Needless to say , joints predict the weather can in fact be true. Wondering how this works? We are here to tell you! Barometric Pressure and Joint Discomfort Generally speaking, before the weather changes, to get cold or to rain, there is a drop in atmospheric pressure. This atmospheric pressure, or the weight of the atmosphere around us, is known as barometric pressure. It changes when warm air is mixed with cooler air. This change can further result in storms and swollen joints. The fluid in the joints shift with the pressure causing the swelling of the tissue inside the joints. This is the main reason people seem to believe the

Fruits for Fighting Arthritis | JointFuel360 Official

Everybody loves having some fruit now and then. You may even make it a point to eat some fruit at least once a day. If you do, you are delivering plenty of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that will keep your body fighting arthritis. Not only can different kinds of fruits help you reduce the symptoms associated with arthritis, such as inflammation, but they could also drastically lower your risk of heart disease and stroke. If you are having issues with joint discomfort or soreness, then you will benefit greatly from having more fruit in your diet. Some fruits pack more benefits than others, so we will go over the ones that can help with arthritis the most. Also, any fruit you decide to add to your diet should be locally grown and in season. That will ensure it will be as nutritious as possible. Here are some of the best fruits for fighting arthritis you could enjoy right now: Strawberries Strawberries are one of the fruits with a minimal amount of sugar content. They are also pa