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Fatty Fish and Joint Pain | JointFuel360 Official

Do you have aching joints and wish there was an easy and delicious way to get rid of the discomfort? Well, there is! Eating fish that is packed with plenty of healthy fat will help reduce inflammation that leads to joint swelling and discomfort. In this article, we will explore the connection between eating fatty fish and joint pain reduction.

Changing your diet will make an enormous difference in how your joints feel, especially when you add fish to your diet. In fact, it may be the biggest reason your joints feel better! Even eating a single meal with fatty fish once a week (or four meals of lean fish per week) will make a noticeable difference in how your joints feel.

We know that there is a direct link between eating fatty fish and joint pain reduction due to extensive research on the subject, and particularly a Swedish study done exclusively involving women from 1987-1990. An additional questionnaire was sent to participants in 1997 with a request for all of the same information that was asked in the first phase of the study. However, additional information was requested, including whether they smoked, were physically active, and whether they took any health supplements. They were also asked what foods they ate.

Fatty Fish and Joint Pain
Grilled salmon fish with various vegetables on the grill

What the results of the study found was quite remarkable. The women who ate received the most amount of omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish, had over a 50% reduced risk of succumbing to rheumatoid arthritis. The women who ended up developing arthritis had significantly lower levels of omega-3 fatty acids in their bodies.

There was another study that found that eating fatty fish and lean fish alike helped massively reduce inflammatory compounds in the body. Additionally, there was a meta-analysis of 17 studies that found an unequivocal link between reduced joint soreness and stiffness with an increased intake of omega-3 fatty acids, particularly through supplements. Study after study has come to the same conclusion, which is that omega-3 fatty acids have a remarkably strong effect on lowering inflammatory markers that lead to arthritis.

Fish is not only an excellent source of anti-inflammatory compounds like omega-3s. It also has a significant quantity of vitamin D. This is also important because rheumatoid arthritis has been connected to having deficient levels of vitamin D. The lower vitamin D levels are, the higher the likelihood of having arthritis symptoms.

Fatty Fish and Joint Pain
Steamed Trout Fillet with Chili Lime Sauce in lime dressing

How to Reduce Joint Discomfort

If you want to significantly reduce your joint discomfort and keep arthritis at bay, you can consider eating fish regularly. Any kind of fish will be beneficial for you, just as it was for the women in the previously-mentioned study.

You will also want to stop smoking and drinking. This is due to a positive correlation between taking part in these vices and increase inflammation in the body. In the study mentioned earlier, women who had the least amount of omega-3 fatty acids in their diet also tended to smoke and drink the most.

Inflammation is the primary side effect of arthritis. It will affect your joints the most and cause them to swell. Inflammation is a natural response by the body meant to protect itself from foreign invaders. However, if there is too much inflammation in your body, it will result in you having a significant amount of soreness, stiffness, and discomfort.

The parts of your body that are the most likely to become affected by arthritis and inflammation are your finger, arm, leg, and wrist joints. Nearly one in four adults in the United States suffer from arthritis. This is a shockingly high number that may give incentivize you to consider adding more fish to your diet.

According to the American Dietary Guidelines, you should be eating fish at least twice a week to receive 250mg of omega-3 fatty acids. That is easy to do considering all of your options. There are both fatty and lean fish you can eat to meet your weekly omega-3 fatty acid needs. Some of the best fish to add to your plate include the following:

  • Sardines
  • Mackerel
  • Trout
  • Herring
  • Anchovies
  • Salmon

You can also still benefit from eating lean fish if you enjoy their taste. However, you will need to eat them at least four times per week rather than once every week. The best lean fish to eat to receive omega-3s are the following:

  • Cod
  • Haddock
  • Halibut
  • Sea Bass
  • Monkfish
  • Sole

All of these fish will provide anti-inflammatory compounds that will reduce or eliminate the joint discomfort you may be experiencing.

Fatty Fish and Joint Pain
Grilled cod fillet with salad

Take a Joint Supplement

Another great way to reduce your joint discomfort and arthritis symptoms is to take a joint supplement. A popular and effective supplement called JointFuel360 has everything you need to keep joint soreness and stiffness at bay. There are potent all-natural ingredients that will deliver nutrients you may be deficient in.

Anti-inflammatory compounds like black pepper extract and turmeric work together to significantly reduce joint inflammation. Antioxidants like resveratrol will lower that soreness and stiffness even more. There is also Boswellia serrata, which is known to reduce joint swelling as well. JointFuel360 also comes with Type II collagen, which will help build up and strengthen the cartilage around your joints.


With so many people today suffering from aching joints, it is a wise decision to get more fatty fish onto your plate. However, any type of fish will provide some benefits, although you may need to eat more lean fish if that is your preferred culinary choice.

The connection between eating fatty fish and joint pain reduction has been proven beyond the shadow of a doubt. You can also add a joint supplement like JointFuel360 to your daily health regimen to ensure you are providing all of the essential inflammation-fighting nutrients that your joints could benefit from. When you start eating more fatty fish, you are opening the door to a future where you will no longer be plagued by joint discomfort.

The post Fatty Fish and Joint Pain appeared first on JointFuel360 Official.
