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6 Joint Pain Friendly Hobbies for At Home | JointFuel360 Official

While you may suffer from joint pain, just like 15 million adults in the United States, you may want to still stay active and enjoy life as much as possible. We have great news because you can! Even though there will be some activities that will cause too much stress on your joints that you used to love, there are still plenty of fun joint pain friendly hobbies you can enjoy.

Here are some of the most popular hobbies people with joint pain become engaged with:


Yoga is one of the best hobbies to take up if you suffer from joint pain. Not only will the gentle and relaxing, long stretches reduce your joint pain, they will also help improve your mood. With yoga, there is a way to modify every pose in case one is a bit too challenging for you. Yoga is far gentler on your joints than running, for example. It is perfect for people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, as well as anyone who has aches and pains in their joints.


Who doesn’t love a good puzzle? These, and other brain games, help keep your mind sharp. For most people suffering from joint pain, puzzles won’t lead to any additional pain. However, if you are someone who finds it challenging to pick up puzzle pieces or hold a pencil to fill out a sudoku or crossword puzzle, you can get the digital version of each. You get to have the bonus of playing against others online, helping you stay socially engaged.


Reading is a great hobby you can enjoy without much pain. However, if you’re holding a book in your hand for long periods of time, you may experience flare-ups of joint pain in them. That won’t be a problem if you simply use a workaround to this. You can get a book holder, or even simply download the audiobook version of your favorite book. Book clubs are also an option if you want to stay social, which is especially important these days when social distancing separates people and makes them feel isolated.


Gardening keeps you active, gets you outside in the sun and fresh air, and relaxes you. It doesn’t need to be back-breaking work. In fact, if you garden with raised beds, plant vertical gardens, or use containers, you can still enjoy all the benefits of gardening. There are also modern ergonomic tools that will take a lot of the unnecessary strain out of gardening. Also, take some breaks and take it slow. This should be a fun activity!


If you have an eye for beauty, then you can take up photography. Capture incredible moments and landscapes with nothing more than your smartphone, DSLR, or mirrorless camera. You can become inspired by taking a casual stroll somewhere that you know has promise for beautiful scenery. Capture your point of focus at different times of the day to get it in a different light. You get to use photography as a great excuse to explore new places. Even having someone drive you to locations to take pictures is a workaround if you don’t want to drive or walk too much.


When you knead, roll, and mold clay, you stimulate your creativity while keeping your hands strong and limber. Sculpting is very relaxing and enjoyable, and something you can do at home. You may be able to sign up for a pottery class that guides you in using a pottery wheel if you want to make sculpting even easier on your hands. Salt dough is very affordable and makes it easy to sculpt at home. All you do is mix the right amount of flour, salt, and water and you have your own ready-to-use dough!


When you have the right tools and a great recipe, then cooking can be one of the most enjoyable joint pain friendly hobbies for you to enjoy at home. Make sure you have as much ergonomic equipment, including utensils, as possible. These usually have rubber covers on their handles, preventing much of the joint pain you may normally get while cooking. You may also want to invest in some equipment like a mixer, food processor, slicer, and others. Turn your kitchen into one that Iron Chef would be proud of.

Watercolor Painting

If you’re the artistic type, then watercolor painting is the best way to paint, especially if you suffer from joint pain. You get to play with lots of colors using flow-flowing technique and style. Also, since the watercolor paint will dry quickly, you can avoid straining your hands. Watercolors glide easily across paper, which won’t require much pressure being exerted by your hands. Even if you’re not that good with painting, watercolors offer a very forgiving experience. Getting a starter kit is also very affordable compared with other styles of painting.

Improve Your Joint Health With a Joint Supplement

These are great hobbies you can enjoy with minimal impact on your joints. However, you may want to enjoy more hobbies than these, yet want to avoid joint pain.  What you can do is strengthen your joints and reduce inflammation by taking a joint supplement.

JointFuel360 is full of natural ingredients that are proven to help reduce inflammation and pain, while also strengthening the joints themselves. The inflammation-reducing effects come from antioxidants like resveratrol, anti-inflammatory compounds like black pepper extract and turmeric, and ingredients like Boswellia serrata. The included type II collagen builds up the collagen that helps make up the joints.


These joint pain friendly hobbies are ones you can enjoy without needing to worry that you will injure your joints more or suffer from more pain. There is plenty you can do at home that won’t put unnecessary strain on your joints. Any one of these hobbies is great to take on, or you may want to try out a few. Just because you have aching joints doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy life.

The post 6 Joint Pain Friendly Hobbies for At Home appeared first on JointFuel360 Official.
