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How Fatigue Is Related to Joint Pain and Arthritis? | JointFuel360 Official

fatigue and arthritis

Fatigue is a symptom that is often misunderstood. Fatigue is when you feel tired, both mentally and physically. You simply feel as if you have been drained of all your energy. Even everyday tasks become challenging or impossible. Fatigue and arthritis are two things that often go hand-in-hand. If you have arthritis, you have probably noticed that you experience fatigue regardless of what you are doing and how much you slept.

The reason the fatigue that comes with arthritis is so debilitating is that it is a physical issue. This chronic weakness is so severe that you may find yourself needing to take naps after even the simplest of tasks, such as taking a shower.

Since fatigue an ‘invisible’ symptom, it is not always taken as seriously as it should be by people not experiencing fatigue. Fatigue and arthritis are directly related, however. Research has found that 8 out of 10 people who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis also experience fatigue in some way. As of right now, scientists believe that fatigue is caused by inflammatory proteins that become activated by inflammatory arthritis.

Fatigue can come and go. You may actually feel great one day, but then feel like you can’t get out of bed the next day. This sort of unpredictability makes it challenging to manage fatigue. Being perpetually tired and unable to do most tasks can take a toll on your mental health as well.



How to Minimize Fatigue Due to Arthritis


As challenging as it is to live with fatigue and arthritis, there are some ways you can minimize fatigue. When you try one, or several, of these, you should see yourself getting your life back, little by little. Here are some of the most effective ways of minimizing fatigue and arthritis.

Take a Joint Supplement

Since arthritis involves inflammation of the joints, along with the joint pain that stems from that, you can get true relief by taking a joint supplement. A popular and powerful joint supplement is JointFuel360. It’s made using all-natural ingredients that pack quite an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant punch.

Black pepper extract and turmeric are potent anti-inflammatory ingredients that will reduce inflammation and the pain associated with it. Resveratrol is an ingredient with powerful antioxidant properties that work in tandem with the anti-inflammatory compounds to reduce both pain and fatigue. Several other supporting ingredients help drastically improve how you feel if you have fatigue and arthritis.

Consider a Plant-Based Diet

Consider eating more plant foods. This means loading up on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. The reason for this is because these foods will naturally reduce the amount of inflammation you experience. Also, they will fight fatigue and boost your energy levels. Additionally, they help you shed some pounds, which helps you stop feeling so sluggish.

To get more specific, some of the best foods you could eat are dark leafy greens like spinach, as well as tomatoes. Other healthy choices are dark berries, which give you energy, as well as lean proteins and healthy fats, like extra-virgin olive oil.

Stop Drinking Coffee After 2 PM

If you have fatigue and arthritis, you may be tempted to drink more coffee throughout the day. While caffeine may give you a little pep earlier during the day, if you drink it too late, you will sleep poorly. Drinking coffee after 2 PM will result in poor sleep quality, which is linked to greater fatigue. This is especially true if you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis.

Besides coffee, you should avoid drinking anything else with heightened levels of caffeine in it after 2 PM. This includes beverages such as green tea, yerba mate, and other stimulants. When you follow this advice, you will no longer have issues with getting poor sleep due to being hopped up on caffeine.

Exercise More

One of the best decisions you can make when you have fatigue and arthritis is to exercise. By exercising, you are strengthening your muscles and increasing your overall level of well-being. In just a few months, you will notice that you are stronger and have more energy. You will be able to do everyday tasks with much more ease than you used to.

To succeed in exercise, you should start off slow and gradually increase how much you work out. Remember to listen to your body and increase the weight, and how much you work out incrementally. If you are unsure as to how you should proceed, you can always get some input from a physiotherapist.

Drink More Water

It may be surprising, but dehydration can lead to being fatigued, especially if you have arthritis. This hidden source of feeling like you are exhausted all the time is easy to remedy. You will have to drink at least half a gallon of water. This means drinking eight glasses every day. Your body is mostly made up of water, so it makes sense that you will need to replenish enough of it to maintain the energy levels you need to function.

You could even drink more, but if you find that is challenging, then stick to just eight glasses. If you are exercising, you will need to drink more water since you will be losing more fluids. Also, if it’s a hot day, especially if it’s dry outside, you should increase your water intake. A great way to stay on top of your hydration is to measure out half a gallon of water in a container and keep it in the fridge.

Wrapping Up

Fatigue and arthritis are closely related. Most people who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis also are plagued by fatigue. That’s why it is related to joint pain. Thankfully, you do not need to be a slave to terrible joint pain and fatigue if you have arthritis. With a few lifestyle and diet changes, you can reduce how much fatigue you experience. Now that you know the connection between arthritis and fatigue, go on and make some changes in your life. You will be glad you did.

The post How Fatigue Is Related to Joint Pain and Arthritis? appeared first on JointFuel360 Official.
