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Do Your Joints Hurt When It Gets Cold?

Do your joints or bones hurt during the winter or cloudy days? There is a reason for that and there are also effective ways to avoid it.

There is a direct link between environmental conditions such as low temperatures and atmospheric pressure with joint pain, but this does not occur in all cases because this depends on the vulnerability and other risk factors of each person.

Numerous studies have been able to detect the effects that the climate has on the joints, demonstrating that during the cold period’s people with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis may experience increased episodes of joint pain.

The effect of climate on rheumatic pathologies is not recent, in recent years it has taken on greater relevance due to weather changes, long winter seasons at historical temperatures have resulted in joint pain crises for many people, approximately 75% of the population with rheumatic problems consider that the climate affects the intensity of joint pain.

How does cold affect the joints?

During the cold season, the increase in cases of colds and respiratory infections is common, the climate at low temperatures also increases the intensity of joint pain.

The cold has direct and indirect effects on the body, the direct effects are the increase in energy expenditure, dry skin, respiratory problems, and indirect effects include joint pain and muscle contractures.

The cold does not produce bone pain, the bones do not hurt with environmental changes, the pain is given by the joints, this pain and other discomforts can spread along the affected limb.

The low temperatures cause the muscles to be contracted and numb as a physiological response, this favors the maintenance of body temperature, but unfortunately, this favors joint inflammation.

The joints are important, their main components are cartilage and synovial fluid. The synovial fluid found in the synovial capsule prevents rubbing between the 2 articular surfaces. The cold can produce changes in the physical composition of the synovial fluid, becoming more viscous, this can cause pain, inflammation, friction and joint stiffness and even joint effusions in people with rheumatic diseases.

The synovial fluid is responsible for nourishing the cartilage, when its physical composition changes, the cartilage is vulnerable to any disease or joint damage.

weather on joint pain

How does atmospheric pressure influence joint pain?

Temperature and atmospheric pressure can play an important role in joint pain. The joint capsule is designed to withstand forces and pressures because it has specialized receptors, such as pressure receptors. These receptors can change according to the perceived pressure of the environment, during winter the atmospheric pressure drops, this causes the release of pro-inflammatory substances that are responsible for inflammation and joint pain during the winter.

Previous fractures increase the risk of developing joint pain during cold days

People suffering from rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis with a history of bone fracture are at greater risk of experiencing joint pain during the winter.

The tendency to suffer pain in the extremities with previous bone fractures increases because changes in temperature can decrease blood supply to the joints, altering pressure receptors and pain receptors. Lack of blood supply increases vulnerability to joint pain.

What to do to relieve joint pain during winter?

Many animal species, by instinct, migrate from their natural habitats at certain times to find regions of more benign climates.

But the reality is that there are few options, we have few alternatives to deal with climate changes, so the prevention of joint pain is based on actions that promote better joint health to reduce discomfort during the winter.

That is why many rheumatologists recommend taking preventive actions in case of intense weather changes.

These 4 recommendations can help you prevent joint pain during weather changes

  • Perform gentle stretching exercises.
  • Apply dry heat to the area usually affected.
  • Take analgesic or anti-inflammatory medications, always under medical supervision, shortly before the arrival of the change yes, according to our own experience, we know that the damaged joint will hurt more.
  • A healthy diet, the ideal is to follow a balanced diet in proteins, vitamins, and minerals, taking into account those foods that favor bone and joint tissue nutrition.

It is recommended to consume in moderation those foods that can favor inflammation and joint pain if you suffer from osteoarthritis or other osteoarticular diseases, foods such as potatoes, peppers, eggplants or tomatoes can increase joint inflammation.

Foods of synthetic origin, precooked and processed should be avoided. It is advisable to consume natural foods without additives, raw, organic and seasonal.

cold weather joint pain

JointFuel360: Prevents joint pain caused by cold

JointFuel360 is a supplement designed with Turmeric, Collagen, Hyaluronic acid, and Boswellia extract, which work together to reduce cartilage deterioration and build a new one, to avoid joint discomfort.

Turmeric is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, ideal for relieving joint pain and discomfort that is generated in joints and muscles, helping you maintain a healthier and more comfortable lifestyle.

Collagen constitutes a quarter of the muscle mass, collagen is an important protein that constitutes the skin, muscles, tendons, cartilage, nails, and hair.

This protein promotes joint health and strengthens bones, benefiting even people suffering from degenerative diseases of the joints because collagen is the perfect ally to reduce inflammation, reduce pain and improve joint function, movement and flexibility.

Hyaluronic acid is another nutrient that is involved in the production of collagen and acts as a buffer and lubricates the joints reducing friction against physical stress.

Boswellia extract has been used for centuries in ayurvedic medicine for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect that improves the symptoms of rheumatic diseases such as arthritis and osteoarthritis while improving and increasing the mobility of joints.

Soon you will notice your movements less rigid and more flexible, due to the benefits of JointFuel360 compounds, which will help you relieve inflammation and heal joints, making it possible for you to move without difficulty, and improve your quality of life during the cold season.

The post Do Your Joints Hurt When It Gets Cold? appeared first on JointFuel360 Official.
